Something everyone can agree on is that finding a mouse or rat scurrying across your floor is a frightening feeling. Knowing you have mice nesting in your walls can have a serious impact on your comfort around your house, so getting the issue resolved quickly can be a top priority.

While there are some do-it-yourself (DIY) extermination methods you may want to try, professional pest control services can be well worth the cost to ensure your mice problem is eliminated quickly and effectively. You might even consider purchasing a general pest control plan to help prevent mice and other pests from invading your home in the future.

The peace of mind that a professional exterminator provides does come with a price tag. Keep reading to learn about mice exterminator costs and what you should consider before calling one of the best pest control companies.

Average Cost of Pest Control for Rodents and Other Critters

The exact price of your mice extermination will vary depending on the level of infestation in your home, how many bedrooms you have, and a few other factors. HomeAdvisor states that you’ll likely pay somewhere between $150 and $450 in total costs, based on its analysis of estimates provided by its large network of pest control partners.

Below are some average prices to remove various animals from your home. These prices should give you a sense of how much a mice exterminator costs compared to other animal control estimates:

Pest Type

Average Cost

Mice and rats










Cost of General Pest Control Plans

One option is to purchase a general pest control plan, which typically treats mild mice and rat infestations. Your technician visits your property on a regular basis—either quarterly or bi-monthly—to perform preventative maintenance and take care of any potential invaders, including rodents, cockroaches, spiders, ants, and more.

Your general pest control plan cost can vary depending on various factors, such as your home’s size and location, but we found the average cost for homeowners falls between $400 and $950 per year, based on our secret shopping for a 3,000-square-foot home. Below are the details of averages from our sample quotes:

Payment Time Frame

Average Cost





Per visit


Initial visit


Factors That Impact Mice Exterminator Costs

Mice extermination pricing and treatments are customized based on your specific infestation and needs. Broken down below are the elements that professional exterminators consider when providing a quote for rodent control:

  • Your home’s size. The larger your home, the more spaces for mice to nest. This means the exterminator will need more time to inspect your property to find nesting areas and entry points to treat. It also means the treatment may require more traps for full coverage throughout your home.
  • Necessary treatment methods. Some treatments are more expensive than others, so the exact strategy your technician recommends can have a serious impact on the overall cost. For instance, although rare, if your rodent infestation is particularly severe and a technician suggests fumigation to completely eliminate the mice in your home, you could pay $1 to $3 per square foot.
  • Frequency of visits. If you sign up for a general pest control plan with regularly scheduled visits, or if your technician suggests returning for follow-up treatments, you should expect to pay based on the number of times a technician comes out to your property.
  • Location of the infestation in your home. During the inspection, the technician may discover that the mice infestation is located in a hard-to-reach area in your home with minimal accessibility, such as inside your drywall, in your crawl spaces, or in your attic. This means it may take longer to seal entry points, set traps, and clean up feces and messes from the nests, which can increase the mouse extermination cost.
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DIY vs. Professional Mice Extermination

If you’re hesitant to sign up for a pest control plan or hire a mice exterminator, you can attempt to remove the rodents on your own by setting and monitoring your own traps. This can be an affordable way to handle your pest problem, but it requires a thorough investment of your time and effort to be effective.

Keep in mind that your rat or mouse infestation should be eradicated as soon as possible after you notice it, since rodents can eventually cause significant damage to your home and pose potential health risks for you and your family. If you’re looking for a fast solution without needing to research or freshen-up your knowledge of DIY pest control, you might lean toward hiring a professional to take care of it for you.

DIY Mice Extermination Cost

If you choose to try your hand at mice removal on your own, you’ll need to purchase a few mouse traps and place them in areas where the animals enter your home or nest. Here are national average costs of common types of traps you can purchase based on our analysis of typical retail prices:

Trap Type

Average Cost

Mode of Action

Snap trap

$2–$8 each

Traps the mouse with a metal bar and small pressure plate

Glue trap

$3–$10 each

Traps the mouse with a sticky substance when it walks onto it

Bait station

$10–$30 each

Poisons the mouse with bait in a box, allowing them to return to their nest before dying

Catch and release trap

$6–$15 each

Traps the mouse in a box with breathing holes for release outside

Electronic trap

$30–$70 each

Electrocutes the mouse quickly upon entering the trap box

How to Choose a Mice Exterminator

Before you pick up the phone to call your nearest exterminator, you should consider a few things to help you choose the best one to service your home and eliminate your infestation. Follow these four steps to help choose a mice exterminator:

  • Read third-party customer reviews. Most professional pest control companies are set up on third-party review websites, such as Google Reviews, Yelp, and the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Read through some reviews from previous and existing customers to get an overall sense of how well they perform their job. Look for reviews specifically about rodent extermination or mouse control.
  • Speak with representatives from different companies. Once you’ve read reviews from a handful of mice exterminators, call at least three companies and request estimates. They may not be able to provide exact quotes until the technician inspects your property and puts together a customized plan for your rodent problem, but they should at least be able to provide you with pricing info for their general pest control plans.
  • Compare offered coverage and estimated pricing. Once you’ve received pricing and plan information from a few pest control companies, compare estimated costs and offered plans. If you’re interested in an ongoing pest control service, choose the provider that offers the best treatment frequency for your needs and budget.
  • Schedule an initial visit and consult with a technician. Schedule an inspection and initial treatment with your chosen provider. Some companies, including Terminix, offer free inspections before committing you to any payment plans or one-time fees to allow their technicians to get an assessment of your specific infestation of mice

Our Recommendation

Getting rid of your mice problem is crucial, regardless of how much it may cost. If you let mice and rats nest and reproduce on your property, you could potentially face thousands of dollars in damages to your home’s walls, electrical wiring, and roofing, in addition to cleaning fees to remove their waste and mess.

If you’re not keen on attempting DIY methods for mice removal and want the issue resolved quickly, we recommend calling a professional exterminator as soon as possible. Once you speak with a representative and set up an appointment, the technician will visit your home, inspect all areas, develop a customized treatment plan, and offer an estimate based on your specific situation.

Terminix and Orkin are top pest control companies that both offer general pest extermination services that treat mice issues on a regular basis. They also offer targeted rodent control services to get rid of your growing infestation before it gets out of hand.

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