AD It Yourself

How to Load a Dishwasher—Yes, There Is a Right Way!

Buh-bye, water spots
While learning how to load a dishwasher is not rocket science there is a method to unloading uber clean dishes every time.
While learning how to load a dishwasher is not rocket science, there is a method to unloading uber clean dishes every time. Photography: Maskot

Knowing how to load a dishwasher correctly can make the difference between pulling out sparkling plates, bowls, and silverware and facing caked-on food, water spots, and grime. When you open your dishwasher to find that it didn’t actually clean the dishes, the problem isn’t the machine—it’s you. “The dishwasher uses a series of spray arms to rotate and disperse streams of water throughout a wash,” says Richard Tarrant, senior vice president of dishwasher care at Bosch. “Keep the path clear of obstruction and provide space between dishes to ensure that the arms rotate properly and water can reach all surfaces.”

The good news: once you get a quick lesson on how to load a dishwasher properly, dingy dishes is a problem of the past. Here’s what you need to know to get spotless silverware and gleaming pots and pans.

Step 1: Learn what can go into the dishwasher and what can’t

Before you run the machine, make sure your loaded dishwasher is filled with items that are actually dishwasher safe. While it’s always best to check the specific product, there are a few cookware items that generally never go into a dishwasher. You should hand-wash antiques like porcelain and fine china, hand-painted dishware, acrylic trays, bowls and cups, cast iron, non-stick pots and pans, wood cutting boards, and sharp knives. If you’re not sure if something can or can’t go in the dishwasher, washing dishes by hand will always be the safest option.

Step 2: Determine where each item belongs in the dishwasher

“All dishwashers will have the same basic layout, so it is important to make sure you are loading your dishes in the proper place,” says Leanne Stapf, chief operating officer of The Cleaning Authority, a nationwide professional cleaning service. Generally, pots, pans, plates, and other large items should go on the bottom rack because of their size, whereas glasses, cups, saucers, mugs, small bowls, and dishwasher-safe plastics go on the upper rack.

“Dishwasher spray arms clean dishes by spraying powerful jets of water upwards,” Tarrant explains. On the top shelf, load your glassware and mugs bottom-down so that water can shoot up into the cup. Because of the jet locations, Tarrant also recommends loading glasses at an inward angle for best results.

Silverware goes in the utensil basket—forks and spoons should be placed with the handle facing down and knives with the handle up. When loading silverware, it’s also good to mix up your collection of utensils to avoid nesting (i.e., don’t put all forks together, all spoons together, and all knives together). This makes it harder for the hot water to properly clean the cutlery from all sides. If you don’t have a silverware basket, place your utensils flat on the top rack. “Large serving spoons and spatulas should not be placed with other silverware,” Stapf adds. “I typically place them flat on the top rack.”

Step 3: Load from back to front

You don’t usually need to prerinse dishes, though instructions can change depending on the brand and model of your dishwasher. Instead, scrape off all solid waste into the trash or compost bin, then place the dishes in the dishwasher. “Most dishwashers, including Bosch, have sensors that detect and adjust to the load’s soil level,” Tarrant says.

After getting rid of food, load both the top and bottom racks from back to front, as this will help you use the space most efficiently. For the lower rack, it’s best to place trays or platters on the side to avoid blocking the spray arms, which can impact the flow of water. Plates and other large items can then go in the middle. Much like the placement of the silverware, avoid nesting items so that the water can fully cover the entire surface area of the dish.

Step 4: Know your dishwasher cleaning agent

Once you’ve loaded the appliance, add your dishwasher detergent to the dispenser and run a wash cycle. “It’s important to use the correct type of cleaner for your dishwasher,” Tarrant notes. Depending on your model, this may mean dishwasher tablets, liquid, or powder dishwasher detergent. Avoid dish soap, as it could foam too much and damage your appliance.

Step 5: Unload from bottom to top

You should be opening your dishwasher to a burst of hot steam and clean dishes. Don’t undo all of your work with sloppy dish removal—unload the bottom of your washer first, then reach for the top. “This prevents any residual water droplets from dripping onto clean dishes,” Tarrant explains.

Step 6: Dishwasher troubleshooting tips

Loading your dishwasher correctly and still pulling out dirty dishes? Try these tips.

  • Make sure you’re not obstructing the spray arms: Before you run the dishwasher, try spinning the sprayer arms with your hand to ensure nothing is blocking their full rotation. “These spray arms rotate to disperse water throughout a wash to clean your dishes effectively,” Tarrant says.
  • Avoid overcrowding: Sometimes the issue is that water just can’t reach the dish. Make sure each item in the dishwasher has adequate space to avoid this problem. Think of it this way: if you can’t see between the dishes, water can’t flush out the debris.
  • Clean your dishwasher regularly: To keep your dishwasher running in tip-top shape, clean the machine itself, too. Use a dishwasher cleaner about once a month, clean the filter every three to six months, and clean the spray arms as necessary. Stapf also recommends periodically running a dish-free dishwasher with some apple cider vinegar, distilled white vinegar, or citric acid to help break apart built-up stains.