AD It Yourself

10 of the Dirtiest Places in Your Home (That You Didn’t Know About) and How to Clean Them

This list will surprise you
A very clean Scandinavianstyle kitchen.
A very clean Scandinavian-style kitchen.Photo: Getty Images

News flash: The bathroom isn’t the germiest area in your home. It’s time to pay more attention to the oft frequented corners, nooks, and surfaces that go ignored because they’re either too hard to get to or we simply forget about the bacteria buildup that’s quietly going on behind the scenes.

Our homes can become prime real estate for several species of bugs, bacteria, and fungi, if we aren’t meticulous enough about cleaning. So, here’s a list of the grossest areas in the house, with tips on sanitizing them.

Behind the radiator

You may forget about your radiators because they’re mostly hidden behind furniture or other decorative objects. But, even if you wipe the exterior, the grooves behind the radiator are actually accumulating tightly packed dust and dirt that is then spewed back into the air. Did you know that cleaning behind the radiator can actually keep your heating costs down? That’s because the dust squeezed between the vents can prevent heat from escaping, which means your heaters need to do double duty to keep the indoors warm.

Cleaning tips: Remember to switch off the radiator before you begin cleaning it. One way to tackle the dust is to attach a canister or hose to a vacuum cleaner. Turn the device on and stick the hose behind the radiator. If you’re looking for a thorough clean, consider buying special cleaning brushes for the grooves. Otherwise, take a feather duster, place a cloth under the radiator, and start the job. While you’re at it, do clean the wall behind the radiator too, which tends to darken with all the grime. Dip a sponge into a soapy mixture, wring it well, and clean the surface.


Tiles are beautiful, but they have a dark side, and it looks a lot like grout. If you look carefully, you’ll notice grime and dust sandwiched between the tiles, which eventually makes the flooring or walls disgustingly dark. Because of its typically light color and porous nature, grout is prone to staining. Cleaning it might seem like a long, oh-so-detailed job, but if you make a point to include grout cleaning as part of your ordinary routine, then you can abate mold buildup.

Cleaning tips: Purchase a brush that’s designed specifically for cleaning grout—another hack is using an old toothbrush. Dip the tool in water and give the grout a good scrub. Alternatively, vinegar is a miracle worker when mixed with equal parts water and sprayed directly on dirty surfaces. It can help release locked dust, dirt, and rogue hairs. Another great homemade solution is a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda: Add a few tablespoons of baking soda to hydrogen peroxide until you get to the desired consistency. The solution will become pasty, which can then be applied on the grout. Let it sit for 10 mins and then scrub the surface.

Skirting boards

When you think of walls, how often do you also think about skirting boards (the baseboard covering the lowest part of an interior wall)? Since these don’t usually sit at eye level, you tend to miss the gunk and buildup on these teeny ledges. Cleaning the baseboard can seem cumbersome, as no one wants to kneel and clean hunched over. But think about it—the walls are the largest visible surface in your home. A sparkly clean wall can go a long way in making your home look pristine.

Cleaning tips: You can dust or vacuum the skirting boards. Consider a long feather duster or a vacuum attachment so you don’t have to bend over. Or, clean the surface with warm water and soap. And, if your skirting boards have hard scuff marks, then a Magic Eraser is the perfect tool.

Air vents

Did you know that the HVAC vents in your home could be causing asthma or allergy symptoms? After all, this is where all the dirt, hair, and bug fragments tend to get too comfortable. These easily get circulated into the indoor air, which you breathe day in and day out. Gross!

Cleaning tips: The good news is that air duct cleaning doesn’t have to be one of those heavy-duty tasks you need a professional for. A standard household vacuum can suck up the dust and dirt from your air registers; you just need to make sure you have a long hose to reach into the ducts. Another way is to use a toilet brush, but if you don’t have one, a stiff-bristle paintbrush will do the trick. Remember to wear gloves and a mask while cleaning.


Despite how often most of us shower, it’s not often that anyone takes a closer look at the shower head. If you looked up more often, you’d probably notice that many of the holes aren’t actually shooting out water. That’s because over time, the holes get clogged with mold, mineral deposits, and soap scum. So, the question is, why would you deny yourself a good, clean shower?

Cleaning tips: A shower foam cleaner, which specifically fights soap scum, lime scale, and mold is a good option. If you can unscrew the head, soak it in a solution of equal parts white vinegar and hot water. If you can’t remove it, fill a plastic bag with vinegar and wrap it around the showerhead. Leave it on for a few hours and open the water.

The drain stopper 

Another hot spot for bacteria and mold is a clogged drain because it becomes a cesspool of germs. If the drain starts running slow, you don’t need to go out and buy a new stopper immediately. You will, however, have to roll up your sleeves and take care of the issue.

Cleaning tips: Pull out the gunk by hand and clean it under warm or hot water with soap. Soak the stopper in a vinegar solution or detergent for a few minutes before cleaning with a rag.

Around the toilet bowl

If you want to find out how dirty the area around the toilet bowl is, go get a blacklight flashlight. Eww much? It’s no surprise that this area is one of the filthiest in the home.

Cleaning tips: Combine one cup of table salt, one cup of baking soda, and one cup of oxygen bleach—these will help disinfect, and loosen up the build up. Allow the solution to rest for an hour and wipe with a damp cloth. One cup of baking soda and one cup of distilled white vinegar can do the job as well.

Reusable grocery bags

Yes, those bags that are helping you live a greener life can be carriers of germs too. This is because you use them to carry poultry, vegetables, fruits, cartons, and food packets. Think of all the bacteria lurking in there, just waiting to cross-contaminate. Also, reusable grocery bags are high-touch items, frequently touched by hands and other objects. These therefore become the most dangerous items that can easily transfer infections.

Cleaning tips: Wash your bags in hot water with a detergent. If you have a canvas bag, toss it in the washing machine and line-dry it. Note that taking a canvas or cloth bag to the store while still damp can be dangerous, as the moist environment leads to the growth of mold and mildew.

Kitchen sponge

Before you start your after-dinner dish duty, pause and take a good look at your trusty sponge. According to the 2011 NSF International Household Germ Study, the kitchen is the dirtiest area in the entire home. A family of bacteria that includes salmonella and E. coli was found in more than 75% of dish sponges and rags. A simple trick to know if a sponge needs cleaning or replacing is if it starts smelling—that’s proof that it’s harboring bacteria. While cleaning it frequently is recommended, it’s often better to just replace your sponges once every month.

Cleaning tip: Microwave the damp sponge for a minute (not the metallic ones). You can even soak it in a solution of one-quarter teaspoon of concentrated bleach per quarter of warm water. Another way to clean it is by using the dishwasher—set it on the hottest cycle.

Blender gasket

The blender is a true lifesaver, doing everything from making smoothies to grinding veggies. Sure, most of us remember to clean it right away post-use, but did you know that cleaning the blender jar alone is not enough? The gasket—a rubber seal installed to help prevent leaks—is at the base of the blender jar. With repeated use, this bit of the blender often gets infested with bacteria, yeast, and mold. Moisture and particles of food trapped between the base and the gasket create a great breeding ground for germs to proliferate.

Cleaning tips: Don’t worry, it’s a simple matter of cleaning the gasket with soap and water, while the rubber ring may require a thin-bristle brush for proper cleaning. You could also leave the rubber to soak in warm, soapy water for about 10 minutes—this will help loosen up the grime and stubborn stains.